Steel Pipes Used by Transport for London (TfL)
Posted on Dec 09, 2015Transport for London is currently undertaking its Road Modernisation Plan which includes hundreds of projects to improve travel in the city. As part of this plan a number of bridges are being replaced and utilities including water are having to be re-routed. Steel pipes, supplied by FT Pipeline Systems have been chosen for these schemes as each pipe can be tailor made and have a choice of coating and lining.
Ardleigh Green rail bridge is being replaced and a new service bridge will be built to carry the utilities services that are currently buried within the road. Power Road bridge will also benefit from a new service bridge to house the services currently located within the old bridge. The project at Highbury Corner bridge involves an extensive and coordinated relocation of gas, water, electricity and telecom pipes and cables.
FTPS is working with a variety of water companies and contractors to supply pipes for these and other bridges around London as and when necessary.