Smart Lids & Smart Posts

Following successful trials of our new ‘smart’ fire hydrant lid (FH), we are delighted to be able to share the details of our leak detection data loggers with our locking lid customers.

In conjunction with Severn Trent Water, FT Pipeline Systems has been developing a smart lid for the fire hydrants in their region. Severn Trent approached us with a request to modify our existing FH lids to help them resolve an ongoing issue they were experiencing.

Severn Trent have installed around 38,000 leakage loggers across their area. Typically, around 37% of the 10,000 installed in the Birmingham area suffer from intermittent signals. This is because the signal from the logger can’t transmit through the standard fire hydrant lid. The solution has been to develop an integrated antenna built into the lid to allow the signal to get through. A number of the new smart lids have been installed over the last few weeks on a trial basis and all of them have worked properly without any issues.

We are now looking at different supply options to ensure the customer benefits from the most cost effective solution whether that be refurbishing existing lids to include the antenna or furnishing them with new lids. The new smart lids only require one technician to install them and will enjoy all the existing time and cost-saving benefits associated with FT locking lids.

Leak Detection Data Loggers – July 2020 Update

We have increased our range of smart lids to include a variety of different shapes and sizes. Markings can also be changed to meet the particular requirements of your area (M / FH / WO). We are happy to work with you to compile a catalogue of smart lids relevant to your geographic territory (similar to the individual brochures for regular locking lids for each water authority).

For further details please contact Nick Shaw on 07931 723465 or

Smart Posts

We have developed a new range of smart marker posts designed to highlight meter boxes (or other types of chamber) in the ground. Manufactured from high quality plastic, the posts won’t corrode, fade or become brittle over time. They are lightweight making them easy to transport and the lettering can be changed to suit the product it is marking.

If required, an antenna can be incorporated into the marker post to enhance data logger network signal strength from below ground in poor signal coverage areas of 2G,3G and NBIOT communications.


FT Pipeline Systems Ltd
6B Eastern Park
Eastern Avenue
WS13 7SY

Tel: 01543 416024

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