Project: Swaythling Pipe Bursting Scheme near Southampton
Customer: Southern Water
Details: The scheme, which involved pipe bursting an existing main through a landfill site, called for main line and field coatings that would cope with the pressures of drilling. Mannesmann Line Pipe three layer PE coating was chosen for its superior mechanical properties along with Canusa Thrust Bore Kits for the field weld areas. The pipe also needed to meet the requirements of DWI 31 (4) (a) for potable water use.
FT provided the material logistics for the scheme including supplying the coated and lined Mannesmann pipes and fittings with the Canusa Shrink Sleeves. In addition, FT provided on-site training for the shrink sleeves application.
FT Pipeline Systems Ltd
6B Eastern Park
Eastern Avenue
WS13 7SY
Tel: 01543 416024
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