Off-the-shelf Pipe Casing Spacers (from KwikZip)

KwikZip, our Australian supplier, offer a range of products for in-pipe requirements. The delivery time for our off-the-shelf  casing spacers is typically 2-3 days.

1. The HDX/HDXT series of casing spacers (shown above left and centre) is suitable for medium to heavy weight pipe in cased crossings.  The two models each come in different riser heights and this ensures that pipeline installers can handle a broad range of carrier pipe OD and casing (host pipe) ID combinations, and customise pipe position for grade control or ‘centring’. The risers simply clip together with the quantity defined by the diameter. No specialist equipment is required.

The HDX / HDXT series casing spacer is compatible with all types of pipe material and minimises running friction during installation. It maximises spacer weight bearing capacity and reduces point loading via a unique load sharing runner system.

Full datasheets available to download: HDX Brochure | HDX Installation Guide | HDXT Information | HDXT Installation Guide | Kwik-BAND Datasheet | Load Inserts


A non-metallic roller assembly designed to be used with the KwikZip HDXT-58W casing spacer is also available. It provides an alternative spacer solution to long-run slip lining installations where the reduction of any sliding friction is critical.

Datasheet available to download: Kwik-ROLLER

2. The HD series of casing spacers (shown above, top right) is ideal for trenchless and cased crossings, slip lining, gravel packed well screens, pump torque arrestor, water well casing, coal seam methane casing, pump riser / submersible pump installation, and piling. The HD spacer is available in:

This bow spring casing spacer model will centralise pipe and casing diameters of 110mm (4.33″) OD to greater than 1600mm (63″) OD.

Datasheet available to download: HD Series

3. GT Series (shown above, bottom right) is suited to rock bolts, soil nails, anchors, small diameter drip pipe, down hole camera and geophysical tools.  The GT spacer is available in:

This geotechnical centraliser will suit bar, pipe, micro pile and nail diameters from 18mm (0.70″) OD up to 65mm (2.56″) OD.

Datasheet available to download: GT Series

4. 155 and 380 Series. This is used for gravel packed screens, water well casing, monitor wells, drop pipe, pump installation, piles, anchors and sheathing for ground engineering.  It is available in:

Datasheets available to download: 155 Information Sheet | 380 Information Sheet | 155 / 380 Installation Guide

Take a look at KwikZip’s product animation video

Example case study – GT small bore casing spacers were supplied to a large building scheme in central London.


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WS13 7SY

Tel: 01543 416024

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