Flexible Chemical Dosing Hose Well Received in the USA
Posted on Jun 13, 2018FT Pipeline Systems recently took part in its first Technology Approval Group (TAG) convention in California. TAG is a global innovation forum of the world’s leading water utilities. Launched in the UK in 2005, it has expanded across the world and now includes 7 established TAG regions in the USA. Each meeting offers the opportunity for the water utilities to review new technologies.
Roger Attisha, Director of Sales for our water treatment division, presented the PF-Detect product (dual contained chemical dosing hose with leak detection) to over 50 delegates from 14 different water districts in Southern California.
Rigid double containment pipework is widely used across the US and the idea of flexible dosing hose which, in the unlikely event of a leak, can contain the leaked liquid within the jacket, was very well received. The many advantages of PF-Detect have already generated discussions around upcoming projects in the region.
For further information, please call the office on 01543 416024 or email enquiries@ftpipelinesystems.co.uk