DOMUS Pressure Regulator Used for Hydrogen
Posted on Jun 25, 2020Throughout the UK and much of Europe, we are increasingly recognising the importance of hydrogen and the key role it can play as we strive to achieve a net zero carbon future. FT Pipeline Systems is proud to be partnered with Brazilian company GASCAT who have been working with hydrogen for almost four decades. FTPS is the sole distributor of GASCAT pressure regulators in the UK, all of which are pre-trimmed for hydrogen / hydrogen blend.
Below is an example of hydrogen use, taken from Gascat’s work in their domestic market:
Hydrogen Case Study: Usiminas (MG) Steel Plant
Brief – hydrogen pressure regulators
Usiminas who are the largest steel fabricator in Brazil required pure hydrogen as part of their production process for steel. Pure hydrogen is used during the annealing processes for steel coils. Hydrogen creates the correct atmosphere for the process and also burns away all residual oils.
GASCAT were asked to provide a fully stainless steel solution based upon the following conditions:
First Stage
Operation conditions:
Inlet Pressure Max 250 bar
Control Pressure 03 bar
Max Flow 550 m3/h of Hydrogen
Composed of:
AV Filter 5µ
Domus Pressure Regulator with two pilots for better control.
Second Stage
Operation Conditions:
Inlet Pressure 03 bar
Outlet Pressure 50 mbar with max flow 550 m3/H of Hydrogen
Composed of:
Pressure regulator with inbuilt slam shut (SSV) GA 302 model with body and interior cover casting in stainless steel (CF8M) controlling 50 mbar outlet of hydrogen.
Usiminas were delighted with the product at the time. When contacted recently for a comment, they advised us that the plant has been operational now for 10 years and during that time there have been no issues whatsoever so they continue to be pleased with Gascat’s products.
To discuss your hydrogen needs, please call us on 01543 416024 or email enquiries@ftpipelinesystems.co.uk