Perfect for Food & Beverage Processes

FT Pipeline Systems’ range of flexible chemical dosing hose has shown itself to be the ideal solution for the food and beverage market. In particular, PF Detect has been installed as part of the process of treating effluent.

Examples of this include two recent installations of PF Detect to a cider brewery and a leading brand of dairies. In each case the chemicals being transported were sodium hydroxide and sulphuric acid and were being used for pH correction of the effluent. The flexible pipe and associated fittings were installed between the chemical storage tanks and the effluent treatment plant. In-built leak detection means that, in the unlikely event of leak (no leaks have yet been recorded), PF-Detect will sound an alarm, send a signal to switch off your dosing pump and give you the chance to get your reserve line working within seconds of a hose failure. The fear of aggressive chemicals getting out into the environment, due to undetected leaks, was the reason behind the development of dual containment hose. With PF-Detect this fear can be almost eradicated! The leak detection system only requires a minimal amount of liquid to trigger the alarm and shut off procedure, with the leaked liquid contained by the versatile polyurethane jacket.

A further advantage of our hose is that it features capillary action and so does not have to rely on gravity. This means it can be installed in any situation. The product can be installed quickly and easily and offers huge cost savings in comparison to a traditional rigid dual containment system.

For more information or a quotation please email Roger Attisha on or call the office on 01543 416024.



FT Pipeline Systems Ltd
6B Eastern Park
Eastern Avenue
WS13 7SY

Tel: 01543 416024

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