‘New Skills Challenge’ Taking Place at UWL 2022
Posted on Mar 31, 2022FT Pipeline Systems is delighted to be hosting one of the ‘New Skills Challenges’ at Utility Week Live this year. This event is being launched by the Institute of Water and will be taking place, for the first time, on 17th May at the NEC, Birmingham. It is aimed at water sector apprentices or young people who will be asked to carry out a series of technical challenges against the clock. Teams of 2 with up to 10 teams can take part and must have pre-registered for the event (full details and an entry form can be found here).
Our challenge is being organised by our Water Treatment Division which supplies flexible chemical dosing hose with optional built in leak detection. When the hose is being installed, it has to be connected at either end, i.e. to the dosing rig and point of application. Then the electrical connections to the alarm box have to be made for the leak detection system. As part of this process, the polyurethane cover on the hose will need to be peeled back without damaging the copper wire embedded between the two layers.
This task is typically carried out by the on-site installation team, either mechanical or electrical.
Completing the challenge will help with an understanding of how the product is used and installed, which will benefit anyone involved with water treatment projects as it is becoming a standard product used for chemical dosing applications.
Videos for the two parts of the challenge can be found here: